Coconut Pulao Recipe - How to Coconut Pulao Recipe made?

June 17, 2017

There are a couple dishes with as much heart as a pulao. A pulao essentially helps one to remember the rich customs of old India, and is a dish as flavorful as none other. 

Look at the Coconut pulao formula. You are certain to love it and the dish is high on taste and sustenance too. 

It is a fine change to experiment with at home, or serve for gatherings too! 



Planning Time: 4 minutes 

Cooking Time: 6 minutes 

Serves 2 


  1. 1 glass Basmati rice 

  2. 1 onion, cut 

  3. 2 cloves 

  4. 25 mm. (1") stick cinnamon 

  5. 2 green cardamoms 

  6. 1/4 glass green peas 

  7. 1 carrot, cut 

  8. 1 glass thick coconut drain 

  9. 2 tbsp cashew nuts, fricasseed daintily 

  10. 1 tsp margarine 

  11. 1 tsp oil 

Salt to taste 

The following dish in this portion of 'Cooking Under 10 Minutes' is 'Coconut Pulao'. 

Pulao (rice dish) is extremely celebrated in India. 

There may be more than 200 varieties of the Pulao. 

Today, we will make 'Coconut drain Pulao.' 

We should look at the fixings 

Oil, Butter, Cloves, Stick Cinnamon, Green Cardamoms, Lemon, Sliced Onion, Green Peas, Sliced Carrot, Basmati Rice, Coconut Milk, Grated Coconut, Chopped Coriander, Cashewnuts, Salt to taste 

Presently we should look at the methodology. 

Right off the bat, how about we take a weight cooker. 

Include one tablespoon oil and one tablespoon spread. 

We are utilizing the oil, spread blend so that the margarine does not get singed. 

We need to include 2-3 cloves, a little stick of cinnamon, 2 green cardamoms. 

We need to cook it in hot oil for 15-20 seconds. 

Presently we will include a measure of cut onions. 

For the most part, we sauté onions ideal till they are brilliant dark colored while get ready pulao. 

Be that as it may, not while making the 'Coconut Milk Pulao'. 

We need to make them translucent. 

The onions have now turned translucent. 

Presently we will include a large portion of a measure of green peas and a large portion of a measure of cut carrots. 

Presently how about we include Basmati Rice and a large portion of a bowl of coconut drain. 

Include Cashew nuts and salt to taste. 

We need to saute the rice with coconut drain for 10-15 seconds on low fire. 

Presently the rice is pleasantly done. 

Presently we will include 1/some pre bubbled water. 

We now need to supplant the top on to the cooker and cook it for only one shriek. 

Furthermore, the Pulao would be prepared. 

We can now take the Pulao in a serving dish and include some margarine to the top. 

The heavenly coconut pulao is prepared! 

Decorate it with hacked coriander and bits of coconut.

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